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  >> Products >> BEE Web Platform >> Developer >> Programming       <=  =>      <  1  2  3  4  5  6  >   BEE Programming Overview

BEE is a very powerful platform designed specifically for web application development. Besides the Authentication, Banner, Content, Data and Email features, BEE is capable of context and session management, remote module and in-page calling (call the backend without refreshing the page), XML and SOAP interface, full socket support, and interface with JavaScript and PHP.

If you are interested to find out more, please go to the BEE Information site.

BEE (Business Electronic Enterprise) is a web development language.  In this section, we will introduce BEE as a programming language in the programmers' eyes.  This section is written for programmers who have experience in or are interested to find out about server-side web programming.  Prior experience in PHP, Java or .NET is helpful to understand and appriciate BEE.  (Note: JavaScript is NOT a server-side language and its concept is completely different from BEE, though their syntaxes look alike at the first glance.)

BEE was first conceived in 2000 and since has evolved out of engineering needs and customer requirements.  Features often used, such as checking customer login, online web content editing, database access, were made simple and easy to the programmer (usually a one liner).  Those features that are not used are simply not there.  This design makes BEE a very simple language to learn but yet extremely useful in web development.

Most common ingredients of a programming language, like variables, functions, database and object orientedness can be found in BEE, but BEE provides these features in an approach different from other languages.  The BEE approach looks radical at first grance, but you will soon realise the reasons behind such design and appreciate how they make good sense and how they help you in the daily development work.

If you want to see how "radical" BEE is and what "good sense" it makes, please click "Next" under this paragraph.


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