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        <=      <  1   Email from Web

Email is the most popular way to communicate person-to-person on the Internet, and therefore is easy to understand and operate by the website administrator or owner.  Sending online submission or alerts (e.g. stock level or security warnings) via email is a very useful tool for a business website.  BEE makes web email very easy:

<beemailto to=""
      subject="Sales Enquiry"
Thank you for your enquiry ${sys%form:myname}!

The above code is in the "thank-you" page to which the enquiry form is submitted.  What the visitor will see is (assuming the "myname" field contains "John Lee"):

Thank you for your enquiry John Lee!

You notice that the "TO" address ( is not showing up.  This prevents the email address from being exposed at the page source, and therefore protects the privacy of the website owner.

To take it further, you can replace the "TO" address with a scheme setting (e.g. to="{scheme%FormSubmitTo}").  This allows the Administrator to change the form submission address from the Admin site without any changes in the code or platform.

BEE does not require a form to be submitted in order to send an email.  It opens up the door of new email-from-web applications like stock level warning, suspecious shopping behaviour, sales target trigger, and many other useful things that you can think of.  Here is an example to send an alert when a VIP customer submit an order:

<script language="bee">
access (vip) {
  mailto to="{scheme%SalesManagerEmail}"
      subject="VIP Customer Order Received"
      body="Pls thank {sys%auth:CustomerName} personally.";

The above process generates an email internally to alert the sales manager that a VIP customer has made an order. There is no output on the web page and the process is completely hidden from the customer.

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