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How do I collect data through my web form?

You can include a "form" in your website using the <FORM ...> and </FORM> tags. When your website visitor fills out your form and presses the submit button, the data can be posted into a mail box you specify. Please follow the instructions below to construct a postable form:

  • Enter the following in your FORM tag:


    where userid is your User ID, and the domain name must be because our CGI Mail utility only posts to mail boxes on Accsoft's network.
  • Enter your data field with a descriptive name. For example:

    Contact Telephone:
    <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="ContactTel" SIZE="15"><BR>
    How do you like this website?
    <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="VisitorsFeedback" SIZE="60"><BR>

    where ContactTel and VisitorsFeedback are examples of meaningful data field names.
  • If you require a particular data field to be filled, you can use require: in front of the name. For example:

    Delivery Address:
    <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="require:DeliveryAddr" SIZE="60">

    then the form will insist to have an non-empty Delivery Address before it can be submitted.
  • The email message posted to you will be like the following:

    ContactTel: (02) 1234 5678
    VisitorsFeedback: I like your website very much!
    DeliveryAddr: 683 George St, Sydney NSW 2000
  • If you want to make your visitor's name appear as the "From Name", please include the following tag:

    Please enter your name: <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="from-name" SIZE="20">
  • If you want to make your visitor's email address appear as the "From Email", please include the following tag:

    Please enter your email address: <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="from-email" SIZE="20">
  • If you want to specify a subject for the email message that the CGI Mail utility posts to you, please enter the following tag:

    <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="ignore:subject" VALUE="SubjectOfTheForm">

    where SubjectOfTheForm is the text you want to appear in the "Subject" field of the email message you will receive. (Without the ignore: prefix, the "subject" will appear not only in the Subject field but also in the message body, which is confusing).
  • If you want to display a particular page after your visitor submitted the form (eg a thank-you page or an approval/let-in page), please enter the following tag:

    <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="ignore:next-url" VALUE="PageToDisplay">

    where PageToDisplay is the URL (see note) of the page you want to display after your visitor submits the form.

    Note: the PageToDisplay must be an absolute URL with full path (ie one starting with http://, not just a file name).

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