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Allowing online editing is as easy as replacing the editable text with a "beetext" tag.
<beetext headline>
<beetext article default="Coming soon ...">
This page is sponsored by
<i><beetext sponsor default="ABC Firm"></i>.

In the above example, the text areas "headline", "article" and "sponsor" are online editable:  They appear as normal text to public visitors.  For example:

Welcome to Best Buy Galore
Please visit our show rooms around town this Saturday
from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm, for a bargain of a life time!
This page is sponsored by ABC Firm

But for the Administrator user, a Text Edit Icon will appear next to each of the text.  Clicking on this small icon will bring up the Text Edit Screen.  The Text Edit Screen is a new browser window that looks exactly the same as the original page, except that the corresponding Text Editable Area (TEA) is surrounded by dotted lines.  For example, clicking on the Text Edit Icon next to the "article" (the one after "time!") will bring up this:

Welcome to Best Buy Galore
Please visit our show rooms around town this Saturday
from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm, for a bargain of a life time!

This page is sponsored by ABC Firm

The Administrator can start modifying the content within the dotted lines.  At the top of the browser window, there will appear an edit tool bar with many common features like cut and paste, font style and size, bullets and numbering, text alignment, hyperlinks, image insertion, HTML coder, a colour palette and the Save and Cancel buttons etc.

Once the "Save" button is clicked, the original page will be refreshed with the new text, and the world will see the changes right away.

Here is a demo for you to see the technology in action.


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