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Nowadays, email is as popular and essential as telephone and therefore is the best vehicle for you to take orders, enquiries or feedback from your website.  For example, whenever a customer click "Check out" on his or her online shopping cart, your website will send the order to you via email.

To take it further, you can have your website to send you alerts when stock is low, when a particular VIP customer logs in, when the number of visitors reach a certain level, when unusual shopping behaviour is detected, or even when it is about time to promote for major festival; the list goes on.

With our web technology, the email address your website contact you on will not be revealed to any visitors (even if they look into the web page source code).  Any curious visitors or malicious software robots who want to break into your privacy, all they can see is your public web contents.  They will not even know it is email that does the job behind the scene, let alone harvesting any email addresses from the web form.  Your privacy is fully protected.

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