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  >> Products >> BEE Web Platform >> Developer >> Programming       <=  =>      <  1  2  3  4  5  6  >   Dual Syntax

The first BEE Command was in fact written as a "BEE Tag", which marks a position in the web page for a predefined section of codes to be inserted by a scanner program called the "BEE Filter".  For example, to insert codes to send an email:

    subject=Hello body="How are you?">
Thank you

The "BEE Filter" scan the page for <bee ...> tag and replace it with the code to do the job it specifies.  This design enables BEE to work on virtually any platforms with any languages the hosting platform happens to have.  All it is required is to build the library of codes to implement the equivalent function of each BEE Command.  (The current version of BEE got a PHP code library, which makes it compatible with both Linux and Windows.)

To simplify the coding and remove excessive spaces between two consecutive BEE Tags, another syntax called the "BEE Script" was introduced.  The above example can then be written as:

<script language="bee">
mailto subject=Hello body="How are you?";
Thank you

Before the source file is fed into the "BEE Filter", the BEE preprocessor converts all BEE Script sections into a series of continuous BEE Tags.  This design allows the two BEE syntaxes co-exist in the same source file.  Programmers can choose to use BEE Tag syntax among HTML output, or to use BEE Script where it is more process intensive with not much output.  (Sometimes it is useful to switch between BEE Tag and BEE Script just to avoid complaints on syntax by your non-BEE-aware authoring software.)

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